
For RecessHacks 2023

Meet our machine learning model:

Journey to Attainable Results Together

Trained using tensorflow keras, JART is a state of the art machine learning buddy of ours. Using a total of 3 Conv2D layers and 2 Dense layers, this model was trained in very little time. With activation functions of relu and softmax, our categorical machine learning friend JART came about! Using a collected dataset of 3000+ images, categorized into the 4 food categories, JART is now able to figure out what food category you are showing it! This dataset was compiled by Pentous creators! JART will let you know what food category you are most likely looking at!

We also have our Pentous Planner! It will create a comprehensive profile to help your health! Once you make your profile, it will follow you around, so you can use it to check out JART!

The Five Groups

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits, sometimes categorized with vegetables, include apples, oranges, bananas, berries and lemons. Fruits contain carbohydrates, mostly in the form of sugar as well as important vitamins and minerals. Cereals and legumes, sometimes categorized as grains, is often the largest category in nutrition guides. Cereal examples include wheat, rice, oats, barley, bread and pasta. Legumes are also known as pulses and include beans, soy beans, lentils and chickpeas. Cereals are a good source of starch and are often categorized with other starchy food such as potatoes. Legumes are good source of essential amino acids as well as carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables are essential components in the diets of human beings, since they provide us with many essential nutrients.


Dairy, also called milk products and sometimes categorized with milk alternatives or meat, is typically a smaller category in nutrition guides, if present at all, and is sometimes listed apart from other food groups. Examples of dairy products include milk, butter, ghee, yogurt, cheese, cream and ice cream. The categorization of dairy as a food group with recommended daily servings has been criticized by, for example, the Harvard School of Public Health who point out that `&quoi;`research has shown little benefit, and considerable potential for harm, of such high dairy intakes. Moderate consumption of milk or other dairy products—one to two servings a day—is fine, and likely has some benefits for children. But it is not essential for adults, for a host of reasons.`&quoi;`


Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food. Humans have hunted, farmed, and scavenged animals for meat since prehistoric times. The establishment of settlements in the Neolithic Revolution allowed the domestication of animals such as chickens, sheep, rabbits, pigs, and cattle. This eventually led to their use in meat production on an industrial scale in slaughterhouses. Meat is mainly composed of water, protein, and fat. It is edible raw but is normally eaten after it has been cooked and seasoned or processed in a variety of ways. Unprocessed meat will spoil or rot within hours or days as a result of infection with, and decomposition by, bacteria and fungi. Meat is important to the food industry, economies, and cultures around the world. Protein is a primary


A grain is a small, hard, dry fruit (caryopsis) – with or without an attached hull layer – harvested for human or animal consumption. A grain crop is a grain-producing plant. The two main types of commercial grain crops are cereals and legumes. Some examples of grain products include breads, rice and oats.


Water is treated in very different ways by different food guides. Some exclude the category, others list it separately from other food groups, and yet others make it the center or foundation of the guide. Water is sometimes categorized with tea, fruit juice, vegetable juice and even soup, and is typically recommended in plentiful amounts.

About Us

Avery Lor

As a heavily passioned student who loves programming I wanted to use my skills to aid those who surround me. Eating healthy and trying to live a healthy lifestyle is hard...I think that is something we can all agree upon. This inspired me and my friends to create Pentous to make once an incredibly hard journey easy. Together, using CSS, HTML for the front end design and javascript to create a machine learning program that would analyze each image our team created a tool that we believe will help many people.

Jaden Zhang

Hi! I am a 16 year old student, studying computer science and all its amazing aspects! I enjoy learning front-end and am in the process of learning more. Making such a project really hurt my head, especially with my atrocious organization skills. I hope that I can make more organized projects in the future!

Rohan Daves

I am 17 year old student who is interested in front-end development using languages such as HTML and CSS. I enjoy using my computer science skills to create projects with others. I applied my skills when creating Pentous, a project created in collaboration with friends in an effort to improve overall health of my fellow human beings.

JART Team Picture